TYNET 50+ Print E-mail
Monday, 16 September 2013 15:41
TYNET logoMentoring and Training Competencies for young women
26-27 September 2013, 09.00 - 18.00
PresidentHotel, Athens, Greece

Greek Womens’ Engineering Association (EDEM) participates in the Grundtvig Project with subject 'How young technological women can do network with women 50+ (ΤΥΝΕΤ 50+)'. The difficulties of women 50+ to get familiar with new communication technologies (e-mail, internet, skype, facebook, mobile phones etc) are studied through this project. These could be on one hand because they do not have the necessary technological background and on the other hand because they don’t feel easy with technology or they don’t have easy access due to prejudices and stereotypes.

Grundtvig logoAim of the project, which takes place in 7 European countries, is to build in each country, a group of young women, with the technological knowhow, who, during the project, will be skilled with additional abilities a) to teach women 50+ who belong to special groups: they do not have access to new technologies, they are poor, they are not educated, they are ‘social excluded’ (minorities, emigrants etc.) b) to transfer they necessary knowledge in a simple way in order that women 50+ can develop the basic skills to use new technologies.

The project is realized by the European network WiTEC (www.witec-eu.net). EDEM has undertaken the organization of the 3rd Workshop in Athens in 26-27 September 2013 with subject Mentoring and training competencies for young women-Sharing of experience and good practices for young women with technology skills’

Official language of the Workshop is English. Free admission. Download the Agenda of the Workshop.